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Dallas Love Field is #LOVEready for travelers | Dallas Weekly

Dallas Love Field is #LOVEready for travelers





June 03, 2020

Dallas Love Field has embraced social distancing and safe interactions in all aspects of the travel experience to maintain a welcoming environment when people choose to travel again.

As customers are ready to return to traveling, DAL has taken steps to ensure the airport is safe and #LOVEready.

Like other changes in normally routine activities, customers will find a different experience in many ways within the terminal.

DAL Steps to Stop the Spread

Social distancing spacers on floor at TSA checkpoint, elevators, gates and concessions

Masks or facial coverings suggested in the terminal and required to board an aircraft for passengers 2 years and older

Masks and bottles of sanitizer for sale in terminal retail shops

Closed restaurants and shops based on demand

Disposable menus and condiments by request only

Plexiglass dividers at information booths, gate agent counters and concessions

Limited seating in restaurants and in concessions village area

Daily temperature checks of airport employees

Along with the above measures, DAL’s custodial staff has engaged in enhanced cleaning procedures and continual disinfecting of touch surfaces and high-traffic areas.

DAL Travel Tips for Safety and Ease of Travel

Wear a mask or face covering for the duration of your trip

Maintain a distance of at least six feet from others at all times

Limited opening and distancing at TSA checkpoint can lead to longer lines

Utilize complimentary hand sanitizer and wipes for touch surfaces

We’re here, we’ve taken steps for your safety and we’re #LOVEready!

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