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Employee motivation: Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation

IN holding trainings at companies, one thing I get from leaders or managers is that their employees are not motivated. So they ask for the best tips on how to motivate them. There are two levels of motivation — intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is from within. For example, an employee gets to work hard because they are contributing to a bigger dream and they are fulfilling their purpose. Extrinsic motivation is because there is a financial reward. The Zimbabwean economy is in a complex state and most people are demotivated to work. What’s the role of a leader? Corporations are under immense pressure to deliver in a globally competitive environment. In our country, companies are under stress due to liquidity factors, among other challenges. It takes an above average leader to steer the ship in these turbulent times. Business fails at times because they focus on the wrong metrics or methodologies. At university, we were taught efficient and fast techniques for production and profits. In the same breath, it’s incomplete without the power of emotional intelligence. Secondly, the direct supervisor or manager has the greatest influence to re-engineer employees to perform at their best. Let’s explore seven means to get your staff motivated. Psychological factor The leader has a role more than that of a manager. He has to praise individuals to make them feel significant and as an important and contributive organ in the institution. Some leaders think because the staff is paid, there is no reason for appreciation, but when things go wrong, they are swift to point fingers at the employee behind the mistake. The best is to praise in public and chide in secret. Psychology arouses self-contempt and self-confidence. Psychological motivation shapes behaviour, attitudes, mental models, and changes the inner world. Excellence Brian Tracy, in his book The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success, says: “People are most inspired when they feel that they are working for an organisation in which excellence is the expected standard. The very best way to motivate and inspire others is for you to announce your commitment to being the best in your field or industry.” Reward your staff The fact that the employees know that they will be rewarded for their great contribution makes them work more and do more than expected. This also unleashes their creativity and drives their determination to work towards the improvement of the organisation. Not only monetary rewards enhance performance, but also recognitions and awards. However, these rewards might not have a long term effect. Develop empathy Management has to be sensitive and aware of the needs and feelings of the staff. This takes being a good listener, being considerate, cautious and caring. It is important for leaders to listen to employees’ problems, plight, contributions, challenges and interests. It has been said that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. This is the best means to open up your team players to give you advice and ide

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