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Old year’s daze - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday



OLD YEAR'S Day and Y'Boy starting the last day of the year same way he's start every day and the same way he will start the first day of the new year, God willing and hangover permitting: with a long, brisk walk in the cane fields of St Peter. (In Trinidad, is the Savannah and the Botanical Gardens, whereby the ghost of Anthony Harford Past must be now very Present.)

The sky blue-blue-blue, like Muddy Waters on a Saturday night and visibility so sharp it could almost cut your eye…but Y'Boy still can't see where it is we going, with covid19 running wild and democracy running scared, and dotish people feeling they smart saying no to vaccine and thing.

Y'Boy know that, in Bajan cane fields, time does just drop away. You walk out your own gate, houses all round, car passing, neighbour giving you 'Riiiight' - but, as you reach the first cane field, you start to leave the present. Radio noise gone. Engine reverb softening as the cane thickening. By the time you reach the fourth cane field, you gone back three centuries.

And is just you.

And the memory of the land around you.

Every morning, unless Y'Boy distract he-self with Jimi Hendrix in he ears, Y'Boy does start to feel the pain this ground soak up for 400 years. When the cane fall silent, Y'Boy does hear the crack of the whip.

Which West Indian who paying any attention really believe that memories of 400 years of actual horror could be erase' by 40 years of so-called independence? In the cane fields of Barbados, the years 2021 and 1721 are separated by five minutes' walk.

In these fussy little islands, everyday attitudes, commonplace exchanges, day-to-day interpersonal relationships in 2021, were set in a mould cast centuries ago. A man talk to you in a certain way and you want to cuff him down, don't mind he might be telling you something nice. In how he talk to you, you tell yourself he not recognising you is a man.

Five minutes later, you could talk to a next man same way.

You is the same man in both cases, but you playing a different role, according as the situation cast you.

And all of this confusion, whereby, for so many, vaccine is dangerous and covid19 is safe, all this modern nonsense, started here, right where Y'Boy foot falling. Centuries ago. To make tea sweet in Europe, blood spill here.

All that pain, all that horror, the violence and hatred on which these territories were founded - none of that darkness went anywhere.

It bubblicating in every one of Y'Boy footsteps in the cane or the gardens. And it erupting in a hundred minor commercial transactions in the mall.

Mindsets of the mid-18th century present here today.

Y'Boy walking in the cane but he brain running.

We in the West Indies, the majority of which was on the wrong end of either the whip or the contract of indenture, we feel the pain of 300 years ago like is a toe we stub this morning-self, and

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