Wakanda News Details

Tongogara RDC CEO in court for abuse of office

BY STEPHEN CHADENGA Fired Tongogara Rural District Council chief executive officer, Brian Rufasha was yesterday arraigned before the courts on criminal abuse of office charges. Rufasha appeared before Shurugwi resident magistrate Sithabile Zungula to answer two counts of abuse of office. He was remanded out of custody to January 21 next year on $2 000 bail. Allegations against Rufasha were that on April 20, 2018 and at Tongogara RDC, he unlawfully and intentionally awarded a tender to Pelgin Consultancy to supply a backhoe loader services against the advice of the procurement committee that the company had no capacity to supply such machinery. As result of the anomaly council allegedly lost US$67 850 as the loader was never delivered and the money not recovered. On the second count, it is the State’s case that on August 26 2019, the former Tongogara boss allegedly unlawfully purchased a business stand for US$500 after misrepresenting to the initial buyer that the land had been re-possessed by council. The court heard that Rufasha allegedly lied to Spiwe Tambaoga that her business stand number 33 Tongogara Growth Point had been re-possessed by the RDC. He invited Tambaoga to his office where he allegedly coerced her to sell the stand to him for US$500 before proceeding to build a bottle store on the land contrary to his duties as a public officer. Further allegations are that in July this year, Rufasha engaged services of the Gweru messenger of court to deliver mail to an employee on leave that she was wanted back at work when he could have simply phoned (the employee). The court heard that Rufasha’s actions were tantamount to abuse of office and public funds. Pride Gomera prosecuted.

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